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From Showtape Central Wiki
Showtape Central has been discontinued as of 17/06/2024. No more updates will be made to the game. Thank you to everyone who played, it has been an amazing journey!

Welcome to the Showtape Central Wiki!

Showtape Central is an animatronic simulation game that allows you to program all kinds of animatronics to music, shows, or whatever you can imagine! Utilising the now-shutdown RR Engine, this is a feature-packed way of enjoying animatronics in all it's glory. Millions of possibilities can be created from the click of a button.

This wiki will include lots of documentation about how to create a show, information about different maps available, and lots more!

Helping Out

Helping out with our wiki is greatly appreciated. Keep in mind a miraheze account may be necessary to edit on the site.

Make sure you also have general knowledge about the different maps available.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please do join our Discord server where you can chat about whatever you like, including cats!

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